The August issue of Pen World Magazine has a great article about Noodler’s Ink. Noodler’s Ink is one of the top-quality ink brands in the world. It is made entirely in the United States, and is one of the most economical inks available today. It is non-corrosive, which is very important when filling older or antique pens, and the quality is very easy to see.
I use Noodler’s Ink, and prefer it for my pens. I love the color choices Noodler’s offers–over 65 different shades, including seven highlighting shades. The company even has a fraud-proof ink that can’t be erased from documents with bleach or ammonia. All of the inks are developed in small batches, which ensures the quality of the inks. The inks are all made from quality components, and the production is limited to the components at hand. Again, this is to ensure quality–substitutions are never made for the components of the inks. Nathan Tardiff, the owner of Noodler’s Ink, would never discount the quality of his product.
It is not available everywhere, but I suggest seeking Noodler’s Ink out. If you local pen shop does not stock Noodler’s, ask them to. You won’t regret it!